Monterosa tomatoes


  • 2 tomàquets Monterosa
  • 1 grapat de blat sarraí o arròs
  • Julivert fresc
  • 4/6 olives verdes
  • 6/8 tàperes
  • Germinats de rave
  • Oli d’oliva verge extra
  • 1⁄2 culleradeta de comí mòlt



To start we boil the buckwheat or rice. If we use wheat, previously we clean it well under the tap with a strainer and we leave it with cold water. We will use twice as much water as wheat. Cook until it absorbs all the water and remove from the heat to let it cool.

Apart, we wash well the tomatoes, empty their inside and reserve the seeds and juice, which we will leave in a bowl. We keep the tomatoes a part.
In the bowl where we have the seeds, we pour the capers, the sprouts, the pitted and chopped olives and the chopped parsley. When the wheat or rice is cold, we ad it and mix everything together very well. Finally the oil and cumin is poured and mixed until it is homogeneous.

With a spoon, fill the tomatoes until they are well filled.

Decorate with a little more sprouts and serve.